You are far more organized and methodical about things than I am. And I had to conquer an eating disorder. That said: I try to eat a big breakfast, and my favorite is three eggs with 50-100 ml of olive oil. That will generally get me through the day. Then an evening meal of whatever it is that sounds good. I listen to my body, so to speak. In my mind, that 6am-to-6pm gap amounts to a mini IF. Today I had breakfast at 4:30am and was starved by noon. So I had lunch. And I did because I was hungry!
My point is that a person with a compulsive eating disorder eats regardless. This sounds so simple but it's true: I try to tie my eating to my hunger, and the mini IF is a result of eating a good breakfast? At least that's what it seems to me.
Eating low carb means I don't have a reserve of glycogen, so I tend to do best on the breakfast-supper schedule.
Completely off the subject, I really enjoy these articles you write. I always have to stop and think. Thank you.