Personally, I don't have the H part and am simply ADD. But I relate to what you say a lot. How much? My favorite British mysteries are Morse, Rumpole, and Father Brown. And I use captioning because sometimes I miss the words...English accents and all.
Strangely, I was able to make a few changes. I lost 150 pounds, down to a normal weight. My personality became kinder. I broke both eating disorders and compulsive lying disorders. But the strangest was when a psychologist friend ran a Myers Briggs on me. INFJ. I was stunned. Not only that, but she said I was one of the most intuitive people she had met. I always thought I was extroverted??? Apparently only because I was kind and outgoing to those I judged as good people?
Lastly, I LOVE athletics. But I am a horrible athlete. I tried out for every sport in high school. The only team they let me on was track. But I still run to this day.
I seriously look forward to reading your work.