Maybe I should save my response for your forthcoming relationship followup: But since I have the thought in my head now, I’ll just blurt it out.
I couldn’t cope. I was married to a girl whose instability from BPD hurt me to the core. I am seriously empathetic and the roller coaster she led me on almost ruined my life. I became grotesquely fat, miserable…she would beg me to go to swingers clubs so SHE could do whatever while I was relegated to waiting for her at the bar. She was physically abusive. There was so much more. And it was all covered by a sweetness otherwise that begged for understanding and sympathy. She drained me for all of the goodness I ever had.
Years after and 120 pounds ago, I am healthy and happy once again, and with a very sweet girl who knows little of what I really went through. People with BPD can’t get better without serious intervention. If I could have given myself advice? It would have been two words: Save yourself.
Thanks for writing, this is a very serious topic.