I've worked quite a bit in Japan but I never connected well. From being told I was "unqualified to drive in Japan", to my dismal failure in learning to pronounce Japanese, I just never fit well. Greek, Korean...they are easy to learn to pronounce, and worth the effort. Study the alphabet a few weeks before you go and you can read menus and street signs. You might not know what regular words mean, but you can pronounce them. Japan? They indiscriminately use THREE alphabets, and it is difficult to just learn. And worse? Their culture. Right-of-way on roads is often simply who is there first: It can even surpass who ran the stop-sign. Dating violates so many things we were taught as kind. Like letting a lady decide on sex? I offended a date once because I didn't force the sex issue? It is just very strange there. And I drove around just fine, thank you. lol