I really appreciate what you have said here. I do not mean to dilute the power of your words with my comment. But I really believe this.
Here in Florida, I smoke legal flower as a deterrent to ocular migraines. It works pretty well. And I limit it to once weekly, most weeks. An interesting side effect is that the brain can consider things outside of the normal stream of consciousness. Normal restraints aren't there. And recently I have had long talks with myself on the place of intuition in making decisions. I realized that sometimes there is little distinction between intuition and my mental tics and habits. And I realized that often what I consider intuition are really these mental tics.
We should give Darwin his due: Often these things are an important link to our survival. But while hunger is an evolutionary survival response, compulsive over-eating is not. And the behavior of overeating on marijuana is NOT a part of our evolutionary heritage. While this is an obvious example, many other motivations are not so clear.
So do we all need to rate the reliability of our intuitions on an individual basis? I am not a particularly religious person, but I do believe this is why we have faith? Just my personal opinion. Thanks for writing this.