I have a good friend in rural Georgia. I work there a good bit. She shops discount places and always finds great bargains. I had to go to upscale Winter Park FL. So I bought her a dress. What a thrill for her, I figured.
The sales clerk was wearing a cute dress that was short: A new (retro) style called a baby-doll dress. I asked her, "My friend is older, will she need to wear tights or something?" The college-student clerk looked right at me, lifted up her dress, and said, "Personally, I wear them with just my thong..." She did this for no reason other than to answer my question.
These younger kids really don't seem to care. So I bought the dress and a couple of thongs...and the girl in Georgia LOVED them. And it seemed to change her whole attitude in some ways.
Positive feedback? When a younger girl approaches her and tells her how good she looks, that is a big deal. Did she change because of Covid? It is possible? It is a reasonable response, I'd think. But she wears really cute stuff these days.