I don't like salmon. Nor sardines. It is in my soul, and I am not a picky eater. Know what else? I was diagnosed with WPW in my 20s, and realized that my eating had adapted, probably subconsciously avoiding the A-fib triggers. I had a sugar problem as well. My blood sugar would get too low, and there went the heart.
I had surgery to correct it a few years back. They found it WASN'T WPW but a right bundle branch block. (Large delta waves in II and III, could go either way). They basically gave me a left one to match the right one, and I am pretty close to 100% now. Except I STILL hate salmon. And in losing the dependence on sugar, I lost 50 pounds or so.
My only issue is for the first 1/4 to 1/2 a mile, I breathe really hard until the heart gets up to speed. Then, I can run forever. I ran 4 miles last week, though I usually limit the daily run to 2 miles. The idea is to get the heart up and pumping, not wear myself out every morning.
Personally, I would like to see a study on Omega 3 and 6 versus olive oil.
Sorry to ramble on so, but regarding absolute magnitude of risk: The greatest example I know is total cholesterol. Below 165, the risk of cancer increases. BUT, only by a few percent. As opposed to the horrendous risk of heart attacks if the cholesterol gets too high. And the even greater risk of liver disease from statins.
One more thing: I REALLY appreciate your taking on these topics. It is so good to read someone who is not a cliché of traditional (and often outdated) thinking.