I am a lot older than you...I actually was around for this:
In 1953, Ancel Keys did his groundbreaking research showing that saturated fats increase cholesterol. The food industry piled on, and the food pyramid was born. With corn etc at the top. As a result, we now have fat people everywhere. Pre-Keys, I remember one fat girl in our elementary school. Out of several hundred. Today, fat people make up maybe 50% of a given class?
The real irony? Keys had the research right. He read it wrong. It was saturated fats, but in combination with fructose!!! Our own public guidance has created a generation of unhealthy people. Very sad.
One more thing: I know maybe 10 people who have lost a total of 100 pounds or more? Every one of them did it with low-carb/keto as a permanent change in lifestyle. And they all cleaned up their bloodwork as well.